Privacy Policy

The privacy and trust of those visiting is important to the Holiday Inn Express property management and its partners. To protect your privacy, no personally identifiable information is collected about visitors to the site unless voluntarily provided by the user as part of an application or activity on the site.

Collection of Information only collects the information needed to provide the information and functions on the site requested by an individual. “Personal information” refers to any information that would allow administrators of the site to personally identify the individual who provided the specific information. This information includes standard personal information such as an individual’s name, address or phone number, etc. This personal information is only collected when provided voluntarily for a specific transaction, a contact request to Holiday Inn Express Ft Collins, or the user completes an activity that requests personal information. also collects information about visitors’ experiences on the website and statistical performance of the website—including number of pages visited, frequency of visitors to the site, general location information, etc. though the use of Google Analytics. Additionally, the website collects demographic information including age, gender, interests and other information about users as a whole. This information cannot be used to identify a single individual on the site and, instead, is used as a way for to understand how visitors are using and interacting with the site so they may provide more usable and beneficial online experiences in the future.

Use of Information uses personal information voluntarily provided by users to complete transactions and provide additional information as requested by individual users. The information you voluntarily provided may be shared with other partners in the instance where the information requested or the transaction process must run through our partners to be complete. In these cases, individuals may receive the requested information directly from these partners. Website users can opt-out of Google Analytics services here:

This site and other applications on this site may use cookies. Cookies are short and simple text files stored on a visitor’s computer hard drive by websites. Cookies prevent visitors to the website from having to re-supply information they’ve supplied in the past to the website. You can disable cookies on your browser or notify you when a website attempts to send you a cookie. You may also manually delete cookies from your hard drive.

Website Security
Visitors’ private information is important to, and we are committed to securing any information you share on the site.

Links to Other Sites
This site may also provide links to other sites outside of the These links are operated and protected by other companies and organizations and as such, is not responsible for the content, protection of personal information nor the privacy practices of these sites.

Contact Information
For additional questions and inquiries regarding this privacy policy, please contact: LCI Digital Marketing | 205 6th Ave SE | Aberdeen, SD 57401